Thursday, January 31, 2013

Letter Annie to her son.


If you are reading this, it means that you are old enough to know. I am not sure of where to start. This is important & I need you to try to understand it’s hard for me to talk about this, but you have to know. I never told you what happened after I went to the games. Honey, you have to understand, it was my like at risk, & I never intended to kill anyone. But sometimes the desire to live is so strong it can make you do things you never thought you were capable of. The time I spent trapped in the arena was the worst nightmare. And when I heard them announcing me as a victor, I thought it was all over. Was I wrong! The nightmare was just starting. I couldn't sleep, remembering all of what happened in there. At the beginning I thought it was just temporary. Then the hallucinations began. I would faint and wake up to see your father starting at me, scared, as if I was crazy. It didn't took me long to figure out that I really was. My mind could not handle it. It was simply too much for me. And I was weak. The only way to stay sane was to lose my mind. And so I broke. I had awful memories, vivid memories of the arena and all the ravishing things that happened there. Reliving the hell I went through over and over again. Then I would just wake up as if nothing had happened. Frightened and sobbing. I started to pretend that I couldn't remember what happened. I tried to continue living. Found a way to keep up with the nightmares. Knowing that every time that I woke your father was going to be there to hold me. He was the strength I lacked. My condition started to became bearable. And then he was taken.... Forced to go back into that terrifying place. I started to get worst. My hallucinations were more frequent and there was no one to protect me this time. Slowly I succumbed and fell into obviation. I can't remember how or when I was taken prisoner of the Capitol. I know it because you father told me. But I was so immersed on my surreal world that I had no conscience about reality. One day I head that voice. The only voice able to bring me back from down under, it was your dad. He was alive. I started to get better. But we were on a rebellion and we both knew that when the time came, he would have to leave. Finally the moment came, and so he left, and I hated him for being brave. Yet I was so proud. This time he left, but he did not come back. I.... He fought till the end. I am so proud and... Oh sweetie, if you only had met him. If... I'm sorry... it just hurts so much. I got really sick after your father died.... I was afraid I might lose you too...My baby boy.... the thought of losing you too was so unbearable that it gave me the strength I needed. You became my new shelter. I know there are times where I lock myself up in my room. But I just don't want to be afraid of me. I don't want you to see me frenetic and crazy. I can't....But I want to promise you that I will be ok. I'll get well for you. I don't want to be that crazy mother I've been for so long. Not anymore. I pro..... NO! No... Please no! Go away!!! Leave me alone!! GO!!! STOP!!!....................

Forgive me son...

I love you.


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